治区安全标准化专家组到正通油气开展安全生产标准化二级评审工作 he expert team of the Autonomous Region's Safety Standardization conducted the secondary assessment of work safety standardization at Zhengtong Oil & Gas

2024-04-24 13:18 / 查看:5369 view:5369

经过2天的审核,评审组对公司的安全标准化运行情况给予了肯定,并提出8条建议以及29项整改项,要求公司与评审专家进一步沟通,尽快拿出整改时间、措施,也希望正通公司以此次标准化评审为抓手,在今后的安全管理工作中能够用好安全标准化,提升安全绩效。公司副总经理兼安全总监包明魁表示:“感谢专家组对正通油气安全工作的建议和意见,公司将按照专家组对公司安全存在的症结,拟定整改计划,举一反三按时完成整改”。(图/文 安全环保部  张龙) 

From April 24 to April 25, the company invited experts from the Autonomous Region to conduct a review of the secondary level of work safety standardization. The expert team, consisting of 5 members from the Autonomous Region's Work Safety Science Research Institute, conducted on-site audits, with the company's relevant leaders, heads of various departments, and audit support members participating throughout the process.

The focus of this assessment was on the company's production and operation activities related to the 7 first-level elements and 28 second-level elements of the work safety standardization system. The experts conducted in-depth communication and exchanges with management, relevant department heads, and on-site managers through on-site visits, document reviews, and other methods.

After 2 days of assessment, the assessment team affirmed the company's safety standardization operation and put forward 8 suggestions and 29 rectification items, requiring the company to further communicate with the assessment experts to determine the rectification timeline and measures as soon as possible. They also hoped that Zhengtong Oil & Gas would take this standardized assessment as an opportunity to make good use of safety standardization in future safety management work and improve safety performance. Bao Mingkui, the company's Deputy General Manager and Chief Safety Officer, said: "We are grateful to the expert team for their suggestions and opinions on Zhengtong Oil & Gas's safety work. The company will formulate a rectification plan based on the problems identified by the expert team and rectify them on time by drawing inferences about other cases from one instance." (Photo/Text by the Safety and Environmental Protection Department, Zhang Long)